
The sigils of the Lavaak-sa'haar.
The Lavaak-sa'haar are the gods of the Sa'haar'syk religion, who are described as cosmic beings each with a particular set of powers. The exact number of Lavaak-sa'haar changes depending on the particular sect; a majority of followers believe that there are 6 Lavaak-sa'haar, while a minority believe that there are 7. Each region of Myr'seros is associated with a particular Lavaak-sa'haar, who is often the patron deity of the Ferah-saar born in that region.
Scholars believe that the Lavaak-sa'haar are historical figures that lived in the Faerwahl Period, which directly followed the Myr'serosian Expansion. First-hand accounts of their existence lasted for approximately 200 years, almost 3 times the average lifespan of a Ferah-saar at the time, leading researchers to believe that the Lavaak-sa'haar were mantles taken up by multiple 'saar.
The information below is compiled from published academic articles regarding Sa'haar'syk and the Lavaak-sa'haar. It does not account for minor variations in beliefs between various sects.
AFFINITY: Ice / Water
DOMAIN: The Zyrsitian Peaks
SIGIL: The Dual Divide
ASSOCIATIONS: Mirrors, the colors blue and purple
- Beauty and vanity
- Confidence and conviction
- The changing of seasons
- Duality in all things
- Fertility
- Farmers
- CEOs and other executives
- Those of extraordinary beauty or those who wish to become beautiful
- The leader of the Lavaak-sa'haar
- Sometimes split into the twin deities Zyrsiin and Zynlael, thus eliminating the duality aspect by separating each aspect into its own individual deity.
Zyrsit is a creature of dualities: cold and cruel, yet also kind and just; arrogant and egotistical, but concerned with the opinion of others; charismatic, yet also withdrawn. It is said that zer personality changes with the seasons, becoming more benevolent during the spring and summer before turning malevolent during the fall and winter. Yet zer confidence has never waned, no matter the season. After all, doubt is for the ugly.
APPEARANCE:Zyrsit is said to be devastatingly beautiful, with six intricate horns covered in ornate jewelry. However, no one is quite sure of zer exact appearance, as ze wears a veil that hides half zer face and a thick cloak that covers most of zer body. One record claims that ze has claws as sharp as daggers and equally as long. Depictions often vary quite a lot depending on sect.
MYTHOLOGY:As the war between Seitziil and Vahrtiis dragged ever onwards, the presence of light gave rise to heat, and the presence of dark gave rise to cold. From the heat emerged Faertrihc, and from the cold emerged Zyrsit. Then, from where heat and cold met came wind, and thus emerged Lyvwekr. Though Zyrsit was the weakest of the three, ze was cunning and shrewd. Ze knew that ze and zer siblings would be bound by the whims of zer "parents" for as long as they warred, so ze came up with a plan to force a truce.
"Light and Dark may be strong on their own, but there are three of us," Zyrsit explained. "If we pick a side to force a victor, then turn our backs on zem, it will be us who will win in the end." Faertrihc and Lyvwekr, both tired of the constant unpredictability of the universe they found themselves in, agreed to zer plan. And so they sided with Vahrtiis against Seitziil, banishing zem into the depths and temproraily filling the universe with starlight. Zyrsit, Faertrihc, and Lyvwekr then waited for Vahrtiis to let down zer guard before banishing zem into the distant heights, far out of reach of Seitziil.
Now with Light and Dark so far away from each other, a stable cycle of day and night was able to develop. Within this bubble of stability, Zyrsit and zer siblings began to craft their own world. A third of this world was filled with Zyrsit's ice, another third with Faertrihc's earth, and the last third with Lyvwekr's air. But Zyrsit and Faertrihc disagreed with the direction of this new world – Zyrsit wished for a beautiful world of ice and snow, while Faertrihc wished for a brutal world of earth and fire. The two began to consume each other's territories, each trying to bring out their vision of the world.
Zyrsit knew that ze would lose without help, as Faertrihc was the strongest of them all, so ze plotted to gain Lyvwekr's favor. With sweet words and the promise of power, Zyrsit turned Lyvwekr against Faertrihc. Cold and Wind turned against Heat, and before long, Zyrsit had frozen over the land and exiled Faertrihc to a lone spot in the ice-capped ocean, where zer fire and rage continues to burn free. But Zyrsit, who still held a shred of empathy for zer sibling, allowed Faetrich's heat to melt zer ice for a few short months of the year.
From heat and water came Xheiyran, and from Xheiyran came life and death. Soon the world became filled with strange creatures, many of whom perished during the cold, dark winters. But Xheiyran's second brood – the first of the Vaelyk-saar – would survive, and those who could not keep their arrogance in check would turn into the Ferah-saar. It was Vahrtiis, the Starsource, who first had the idea of leaving the Ferah-saar behind. One by one, the Lavaak-sa'haar vanished from the world, leaving Zyrsit as the last deity remaining. And while Zyrsit was loathe to give up zer world of everlasting ice, ze too followed the others to another plane.
DOMAIN: The Artesian Waters
SIGIL: Summer's Solstice
ASSOCIATIONS: Rivers, songs, glass, dark blues
- Beauty
- Humility
- Fertility
- Cooperation
- The spring and summer seasons
- Farmers
- Hopeful parents
- Those facing extreme hardships
- N/A
Zyrsiin is a kind and benevolent soul who loves all the creatures of Myr'seros, and thus gave them the warmth of summer in which to flourish and proliferate. Ze values cooperation and acceptance over conflict and intolerance - ze will always try to reach the solution that is best for everyone, regardless of how complicated it may be. It is said that Zyrsiin is very involved in the lives of the Vaelyk-saar and the Ferah-saar, having spent the most time around them before zer disappearance.
APPEARANCE:Zyrsiin is often depicted with 6 complex horns and spiral and curl around one another, all of which contain little to no decorations. The portions of zer mane near zer carapce is bound into a large bun, but the other parts of zer mane flow freely down zer back. Ze always wears a veil that covers zer face.
MYTHOLOGY:When Zyrsit emerged victorious against Faertrihc, ze split zemself in two to better govern zer new world. Zyrsiin, who inherited Zyrsit's benevolence, was to rule over the newly-created summer, while Zynlael, who inherited Zyrsit's apathy, was to rule over the cold winter. They would work in shifts – Zyrsiin would watch over the land during the summer while Zynlael slept, and Zynlael would watch over the land during the winter while Zyrsiin slept. In the spring and autumn, both would be in varying states of consciousness as they transitioned towards the new season.
It was Zyrsiin who witnessed the birth of where the rushing river met the unfrozen sea. The two became fast friends, as Zyrsiin encouraged Xheiyran to create zer first brood. But summer soon turned to fall, and as winter approached, Zyrsiin fell into a deep slumber. When ze awoke the next year, all of Xheiyran's creations had long since perished in Zynlael's brutal winter. Zyrsiin wept inconsolably, only stopping when Xheiyran created a new batch of creatures with great wings that danced in Lyvwekr's skies. "They too will perish when Zynlael awakens," Zyrsit cried.
"It's okay," Xheiyran told zem, "They will sleep during the winter, just like you, and reawaken with the safety of spring."
Zyrsiin, still guilty over the deaths of Xheiyran's first brood, promised to take care of zer second. From then onwards, Zyrsiin would send great rivers flowing through the land every spring, signaling to Xheiyran's brood that it was time to emerge from their hibernation.
DOMAIN: The Glacial Rift
SIGIL: Winter's Solstice
ASSOCIATIONS: Glaciers, silence, mirrors, light blues
- Vanity
- Arrogance
- Ambition
- Individuality
- The fall and winter seasons
- CEOs and other executives
- Celebrities
- Those who wish to reach the tops of their fields
- N/A
Zynlael is an cold and uncaring deity who has little regard for the creatures of Myr'seros, and thus unleashes brutal winters and endless snow upon the world. ze is vain and arrogant, always more concerned about zemself than those around zem. Those who do not accept zer actions and decisions will simply be erased by heavy snows and unyielding avalanches. Though it can be argued that Zynlael is a malevolent deity, ze is said to be more apathetic to the concerns of the Ferah-saar than actively antagonistic towards them.
APPEARANCE:Zynlael is often depicted with 6 simple horns that curve backwards in a gentle wave pattern; these horns are covered in elaborate accessories. zer mane is bound into long "tails." Ze also has long, sharp claws that are at least twice the size of a normal Ferah-saar's.
MYTHOLOGY:When Zyrsit emerged victorious against Faertrihc, ze split zemself in two to better govern zer new world. Zynlael, who inherited Zyrsit's apathy, was to rule over the cold winter, while Zyrsiin, who inherited Zyrsit's benevolence, was to rule over the newly-created summer. They would work in shifts – Zynlael would watch over the land during the winter while Zyrsiin slept, and Zyrsiin would watch over the land during the summer while Zynlael slept. In the spring and autumn, both would be in varying states of consciousness as they transitioned towards the new season.
One year, when Zynlael awoke, ze was greeted by a mix of strange new creatures that did not resemble zem or zer siblings. Thinking that Seitziil had found some way to influence the outer world from zer prison at the bottom of the world, Zynlael called upon Lyvwekr, and together they unleashed a devastating and brutal blizzard that lasted for the entire length of winter. All the creatures perished, many entombed in gigantic slabs of ice and locked away beneath uncountable layers of snow. Satisfied with zer work in stopping the Chaos menace, Zynlael returned to slumber near the start of spring.
The next year, Zynlael awoke to yet another batch of strange creatures. Ze and Lyvwekr called forth another blizzard, and buried them deep in ice and snow yet again. The year after that, ze was shocked to discover that the creatures had survived somehow and had multiplied. One of the creatures, a massive beast with wings that could rival Lyvwekr's, flew towards zem. "I am Tahr'saar'rihc," xe introduced, "I am the eldest of Vaelyk-saar. We are the spawn of Xheiyran, Ze Who Breathes Life Into the World. Great Zyrsiin, Ze Whose Voice Births Rivers, has told us about you. Oh great Zynlael, Ze Whose Thoughts Beckon Ice and Snow, we ask for naught but your tolerance. My kin and I will sleep in the winter, just as Zyrsiin does, but we require the fall to prepare. Please stay your hand, and we will be out of your way."
Zynlael thought about the Vaelyk-saar's request and agreed – as long as they were not the spawn of Seitziil, ze would tolerate their presence in this world. And so the autumn season became a gradual transition from the warmth of summer to the coldness of winter, instead of the abrupt transition it used to be.
AFFINITY: Darkness
DOMAIN: The Sea of Secrets
SIGIL: The All-Seeing Shroud
ASSOCIATIONS: Books, eyes, the color black
- Knowledge
- Secrets
- The oceans
- Mutations and genetic abnormalities
- Primordial chaos
- Academics / scholars
- Journalists and other truth-seekers
- Students desperately trying to pass their exams after not studying
- The eldest of the Lavaak-sa'haar
- There is debate as to whether Seitziil and the Primordial Consciousness are the same entity
Seitziil is a mysterious entity who always speaks in riddles. It is said that ze has knowledge of all that has happened and will ever happen, and thus sees no need to interfere with the lives of the Ferah-saar. Ze is apathetic towards the world at large, preferring the companionship of books over the companionship of other beings.
APPEARANCE:Seitziil is depicted with a wide variety of mutations, many of which are exceedingly rare in Ferah-saar. These include: polycoria, polymelia, abnormally long elbow and ankle protrusions, and an odd number of horns. Zer 5 horns, which branch on one side only, curve upward to form a shape similar to an eye. Zer mane is wavy and unshaped, flowing freely along zer back.
MYTHOLOGY:The universe was originally an infinite expanse of chaos, an unconstrained mass of endless possibilities and ever-shifting forms. Within that void existed an amorphous and nameless consciousness, a contradictory being that belonged to the chaos, yet also governed it. For an unknown time, before the concept of time even existed, the primordial consciousness allowed its thoughts to wander, creating and destroying without end. Then, in all its capriciousness, it dreamed of the first light, and from that dream emerged Vahrtiis, the origin of all stars.
Vahrtiis forced order upon the primordial chaos through the tyranny of light, endangering its very existence. In response, the Primordial Consciousness split off a portion of itself to destroy the being it had willed into existence, creating Seitziil, the Unknowable One. Shrouded in darkness, Seitziil chased after Vahrtiis, swallowing the light that Vahrtiis had left behind and returning it to primordial chaos. But no matter what Seitziil did, ze was never able to catch up to Vardise – for each star ze ate, another one would arise elsewhere. It seemed as if this battle would last for eternity.
Seitziil had long forseen the creation of Heat, Cold, and Wind. Though ze did not speak of it out loud, ze knew that the time of primordial chaos was over – another era was soon to come, one dominated by unchanging stability. And ze would be locked away, just as Vahrtiis would be, inside a prison at the end of the world.
Though ze had already accepted zer fate, ze did not give up. Ze fought with great ferocity, reminding the new deities why darkness and chaos were to be feared. In the end, ze was still defeated, overcome by the combined forces of Light, Heat, Cold, and Wind.
Seitziil was content to stay at the bottom of the world, watching as everything moved further and further away from primordial chaos. Ze was born of that which made up the world, so saw all that occured on this and all other planes. Then, at the predicted moment when the Ferah-saar emerged from the Vaelyk-saar, Seitziil detected Vahrtiis's disappearance from the roof of the world. Ze had forseen this too, and so followed in Vahrtiis's lead, knowing that zer own disappearance would be required for the world that was to come. Thus Seitziil became the second deity to withdrawl from the Ferah-saar.
DOMAIN: Tahr'saar'rihc's Spine
SIGIL: The Origin Helix
ASSOCIATIONS: Crystals (esp. opals), the color white
- Stars and suns
- The universe
- Domination
- Law and order
- The passage of time
- Government officials
- Astronomers
- Those lacking direction in their lives
- N/A
Vahrtiis is a tyrant who imposes zer vision upon the world, regardless of any objections from others. While ze always has the best intentions in mind, zer refusal to consider other points of view often leads to unwanted consequences. It is said that ze will often answer prayers from the Ferah-saar, but zer response will always be what ze believes to be the solution, regardless of what the worshipper had been asking for.
APPEARANCE:Vahrtiis is depicted with 5 horns; out of those 5 horns, 2 pairs of 2 (4 total) spiral around each other like helices. Ze also has 2 tails, which also spiral around one another to form a single, large, twisted tail. Unlike most Ferah-saar, ze has 5 fingers and 4 toes. Zer mane is mostly straight and fans out behind zer body. Many parts of zer body are depicted as being made of pure starlight, giving off the appearance of galaxies and nebulae.
MYTHOLOGY:Vahrtiis awoke in a universe that was dark and disorderly, composed entirely of primordial chaos. Though ze had been birthed by the dreams of the void, ze believed it to be too unpredictable and unstable to sustain anything beyond itself. Vahrtiis envisioned a world composed of more than just zemself and the Primordial Consciousness, so ze created the first star to enforce order upon the void.
As Vahrtiis spawned more and more stars, ze gradually began to erase the dark with zer light. In response, the Primordial Consciousness fashioned Seitziil, the Unknowable One, to eliminate the threat to its existence. Though the appearance of a new being intrigued zem, Vahrtiis did not attempt to engage with zem. 'Ze and the void are interconnected, and the void cannot not be reasoned with,' Vahrtiis concluded, before continuing on with zer task. But no matter how much light Vahrtiis would inject into the universe, Seitziil would be there to swallow it up.
Vahrtiis was pleased with the emergence of Heat, Cold, and Wind, and even more so when they pledged their assistance to lock away Seitziil and the primordial chaos. Soon chaos would be gone, and a stable, orderly world would take its place.
So caught up was ze in zer own ideas that ze had not even considered any other possibilities. Ze did not question the veracity of the trio's words, and so was completely caught off guard when they turned to betray zem. Light was mighty, the equal of Dark, but not even Light could stand against the power of Heat, the tactics of Cold, and the defenses of Wind all at once.
Though Vahrtiis was enraged by the trio's betrayal, ze was quite satisfied with the world they had managed to bring about. Cycles of light repeated day after day, and cycles of seasons repeated year after year. Even the epheremal spawn of Xheiyran followed predictable cycles of sleep and wakefulness, of hibernation and activity, and of life and death. But then a group of zer spawn, filled with arrogance, attempted to defy the laws that the the deities themselves had created. Though Lyvwekr had already severed their wings, they did not repent.
'If the Ferah-saar believe themselves to be equal to us, then they must be taught that they are not,' Vahrtiis concluded. And so Vahrtiis relayed a message to Lyvwekr: "If the spawn of Xheiyran are to be so foolish, then we shall let them live in a world without us, with all the consequences that entails." Though Vahrtiis did not know if the others would follow zer plan, ze removed zemself from this world and disappeared to another plane.
DOMAIN: The Xhei Lowlands
SIGIL: The Ossodactyl
ASSOCIATIONS: Bones, eggshells, the colors brown/green
- Life and death
- Medicine
- Disease and toxins
- Tenacity and the will to survive
- Body modifications and prosthetics
- Doctors and medical workers
- Hunters
- The sick and dying (and their families)
- The youngest of the Lavaak-sa'haar
- Considered to be the progenitor of both the Ferah-saar and the Vaelyk-saar
Xheiyran is the untamed side of nature in all its visceral beauty. Brutally efficient, ze wastes nothing, especially not zer own time and resources. As a result, ze is not afraid to resort to "morally grey" tactics to achieve their goals in the quickest way possible, earning zem a reputation as an underhanded trickster. Ze values bluntness and hates flowery language, but it is said that zer lack of "tact" results in frequent clashes with the other Lavaak-sa'haar, particularly Faertrihc.
APPEARANCE:Xheiyran is depicted with two large, segmented horns that curve backwards, with each segment having a small spike that protrudes outward and upward in the front. Zer wavy mane is short and braided on one side, but long and untamed on the other. Often times, one of zer eyes is obscured by the unbraided mane. Zer scales are covered in decorative markings While most of Xheiyran's body resembles that of a normal Ferah-saar, zer legs and tail are are not 'saar-like at all. Zer legs from the thighs down and zer tail from the plating onwards are devoid of any flesh, instead being completely skeletal with silvery bones on prominent display.
MYTHOLOGY:As the world began to separate into periods of Heat and Cold, Xheiyran was born from the warmth and waters of summer. Ze awoke at the transition of land and sea, where the Zyrsit's great river split into a thousand streams and joined with the ocean.
Finding zemself seemingly alone in this world, Xheiyran created a myriad of beings of all sizes and shapes to keep zemself company. Some were gigantic, tall enough to reach into Lyvwekr's skies, but were kept immobile by their incredible weight. Others were miniscule, the size of mere pebbles, but were able to move freely on land and in water. Xheiyran's brood spread all throughout the world, but they were made to live in the warmth of summer, and so perished when the brutal blizzards of winter buried them in thick layers of snow.
Undeterred, Xheiyran borne zer second brood the following spring. Once again, creatures in a variety of shapes and sizes sprung from zer hands, this time with protection against the upcoming winter. Zyrsit's blizzards once again engulfed the world, but a small subset of creatures slept beneath the snows and survived till spring. One such creature was Tahr'saar'rihc, a great winged beast covered in hardened scales and a thick mane. Xhe soared through Lyvwekr's skies as if it were xher own and began to call Zyrsit's unforgiving mountains xher home. Xher spawn soon dominated the great mountain range, and their ability to survive caught Xheiyran's attention. "Your spawn shall be known as the Vaelyk-saar," ze proclaimed to Tahr'saar'rihc, "The Tenacious Ones."
Though the Vaelyk-saar were want for naught, for they were Xheiyran's favored, some became arrogant and complacent. They declared themselves the rightful rulers of this world and attempted to rebel against the order that their creators had shaped. Lyvwekr, the Stormshaper, gave Xheiyran a warning: "Keep the spawn of your spawn in check, or they shall face dire consequences indeed."
Xheiyran replied, "They are not mine to control. They have chosen their path, and neither you nor I can change that." Hearing this, Lyvwekr became filled with ire and stripped the insolent Vaelyk-saar of their wings, grounding them forevermore. Xheiyran, disappointed that that the spawn of zer spawn had not anticipated such retaliation, then said to them, "From this time onwards, you shall be known as the Ferah-saar, the Flightless Ones."
Yet still the Ferah-saar did not repent, and so invoked the disdain of Vahrtiis. Xheiyran, who had watched generations of creatures live and die, was assured that life would continue with or without zer presence, and joined Vahrtiis's exodus behind Lyvwekr.
DOMAIN: The Wekr Plateau
SIGIL: The Eternal Tempest
ASSOCIATIONS: Chimes, the color grey
- Storms, especially those with lightning
- Rituals and ceremonies
- Protection, particularly of the vulnerable
- Betrayal and regret
- Justice
- Hikers and explorers
- Defenders
- Reformed criminals
- Is said to defend the Observatory from any who would seek to take Vahrtiis's power for themselves
- Also called Lyvwek in some dialects
Lyvwekr is an meticulous individual who values decorum and tradition. Strict but fair, ze is perhaps the most level-headed of the Lavaak-sa'haar and the one who arbitrates disagreements. Ze believes in the protection of the vulnerable and hates injustice and unfair dealings, which often puts zem at odds with Xheiyran. Though Lyvwekr is perceived to be an honorable individual by most, it is said that ze has never been able to get over zer betrayal of Faertrihc.
APPEARANCE:Lyvwekr is depicted with 2 horns that jut outwards horizontally from zer face. These horns are not completely straight, instead they curve down slightly and then up at the tips. Lightning-shaped patterns flash across zer scales, mostly around zer chest. Zer mane is the longest of all the Lavaak-sa'haar and is said to be constantly moving, even during windless days. Some sects depict Lyvwekr with wings like that of the Vaelyk-saar, while others show zem with "wings" fashioned from zer mane.
MYTHOLOGY:As the war between Seitziil and Vahrtiis dragged ever onwards, the presence of light gave rise to heat, and the presence of dark gave rise to cold. From the heat emerged Faetrihc, and from the cold emerged Zyrsit. Then, from where heat and cold met came wind, and thus emerged Lyvwekr. Born with the urge to protect, Lyvwekr sought to shield zer siblings against the unpredictable world shaped by the dance of Dark and Light. But Wind alone was not strong enough, and so when Zyrsit revealed zer plan to rid the world of both Seitziil and Vahrtiis, Lyvwekr followed.
The three siblings thus pledged their power to Light, who banished Dark to the great depths below. Then, when the time was right, the trio turned against Vahrtiis, and Light too was banished from this world, confined to the great heights above. Stability settled upon the world, balanced between Zyrsit's ice, Faetrihc's earth, and Lyvwekr's air. But soon, Cold and Heat began to fight amongst themselves over the future of this new world, just as Dark and Light did before them.
Lyvwekr at first remained neutral in the conflict, but Zyrsit, ever cunning, leveraged zer insecurities against zem. "Am I not the weakest of us all? You would let Faetrihc hurt me so, as Seitziil and Vahrtiis did?" ze asked, appearing as pitiful as ze could. "Side with me, and you shall have the power to protect the entire realm with your storms." Baited by Zyrsit's beguiling words, Lyvwekr helped zem usher in a new age of frost.
Zer actions were not without consequence. In choosing Cold over Heat, Lyvwekr had attacked that which ze had sought to protect. And though Faetrihc's defeat allowed for the birth of Life, Lyvwekr became plagued with guilt over zer betrayal and dedicated zemself to preventing such an injustice from ever occuring again.
A test of Lyvwekr's conviction came in the form of the Vaelyk-saar. Ze was content to watch the spawn of Xheiyran grow and multiply, until some dared to defy their creators. Ze offered the Lifespring a chance to rein in zer spawn, and when ze did not, Lyvwekr conjured a great tempest and blew it into the path of the insolent Vaelyk-saar. The winds and hail were so strong that it stripped them of their wings, causing them to plummet towards the earth and become the Ferah-saar. Yet still they remained arrogant, and so caught the scorn of Vahrtiis. Already incensed with the Flightless Ones, Lyvwekr followed Vahrtiis to leave them behind, becoming the third deity to disappear from the world.
AFFINITY: Fire / Earth
DOMAIN: The Faetahran Islands
SIGIL: The Unyielding Fragment
ASSOCIATIONS: Metals, weapons, volcanic rocks (esp. obsidian), the colors yellow / red
- Volcanoes
- War
- Defiance and resistance
- Renewal
- Spontaneity
- Craftspeople
- Warriors and fighters
- Activists
- Is said to keep Seitziil trapped in the depths by some sects
- Also called Faertrik in some dialects
Faertrihc is a moody and solitary creature, who keeps away from others despite yearning for their affection. Ze usually does not say what ze means, requiring those around zem to read between the lines and interpret what ze is unwilling to say out loud. It is said that Seitziil is the most adept at comprehending zer thoughts and desires, though Seitziil tends to keep those observations to zemself. When upset, it is said that Faetrihc will slip into an uncontrollable rage that cannot be quelled for days.
APPEARANCE:Faertrihc has 4 horns split into 2 pairs. One pair is rather small and grows upward, while the other pair is much larger and grows outwards in a spiral. One of the two larger horns is broken and unrepaired, but glows with the color of uncooled lava at the broken edge. Zer body is covered in a layer of thick, amored scales, but there are several prominent scars across zer face and chest that glow faintly like embers.
MYTHOLOGY:As the war between Seitziil and Vahrtiis dragged ever onwards, the presence of light gave rise to heat, and the presence of dark gave rise to cold. From the heat emerged Faetrihc, and from the cold emerged Zyrsit. Then, from where heat and cold met came wind, and thus emerged Lyvwekr. At first, Faetrihc was resigned to simply survive in the ever-changing world of light and darkness, and though ze was the strongest of the three siblings, ze was overcome with hopelessness and cynicism. But then, in the midst of zer wallowing, Zyrsit approached zem with an idea – a plot to take this world for themselves. Skeptical but tired of Seitziil and Vahrtiis's fighting, Faetrihc agreed to Zyrsit's plan.
The three siblings thus feigned their allegiance to Light, who banished Dark to the great depths below. Then, when the time was right, the trio turned against Vahrtiis, with Faetrihc dealing the first and most powerful blow. Soon, Light too was banished from this world, confined to the great heights above. Stability settled upon the world, balanced between Zyrsit's ice, Faetrihc's earth, and Lyvwekr's air. But chaos would erupt once again as Faetrihc and Zyrsit clashed over what this new world would become.
Faetrihc wished for a land of flame and earth, as hot as the scorching suns, while Zyrsit wished for a land of water and ice, as cold as the endless void. Heat made the first move, and so war erupted again upon this world. With armored scales and unyielding will, Faetrihc soon gained the advantage. But Zyrsit had recruited Lyvwekr to zer cause, and soon Faetrihc was on the retreat. To add one last insult, Zyrsit's razor sharp claws, frozen so cold that not even magma could melt them, left huge gashes upon Faetrihc's form.
And so, the world belonged to Cold and Wind, doomed to everlasting blizzards and unstoppable gales. But Zyrsit still loved Faetrihc, and did not exile zem like Vahrtiis and Seitziil. For a few short months of the year, Faetrihc's heat was allowed to take over the world, turning permafrost to water. Though ze has begrudgingly accepted Zyrsit's victory, ze has never forgiven Lyvwekr for zer betrayal.
From heat and water came Xheiyran, and from Xheiyran came the Vaelyk-saar. Faetrihc kept zer distance from Xheiyran and zer spawn, for zer fire and zer rage were incompatible with this new life. But then came the Ferah-saar, who challenged the authority of the makers themselves. Feeling no particular attachment to a world that was not truly zers, Faetrihc followed the examples of Vahrtiis, Seitziil, and Lyvwekr, leaving behind the Ferah-saar to fend for themselves in Zyrsit's icebound world.